Buy Your Online Coaching Package:

Our online coaching plans cover all your 30-minute phone or video appointments and Idai can coach you to a variety of health & fitness targets (as covered in this service outline). Weight loss focused clients will also get unlimited access to Idai’s online video guide to fat burning without counting calories.

You can choose to pay for your coaching on an ongoing monthly basis (which gives you one 30-min appointment each week) or you can buy a *package* of either 1, 13, 26, 52, or 78 appointments.

Please select your preferred option from the list below so we can get you started. We can hardly wait to support you on your new Health & Fitness journey with Idai Makaya Online Coaching! 

Monthly Payment Option (£250 per month) Ongoing monthly payments for as long as you are enrolled in a coaching plan with Idai & his team (one weekly 30-min coaching appointment).

Online Video Fat Loss Course (Includes a Single Online Zoom Consultation to Agree Fully Customised Lifestyle Plan). This weight loss package gives you unlimited access to Idai’s full video strategy course – WEIGHT LOSS WITHOUT COUNTING CALORIES – and also includes a Startup Zoom Consultation with Idai & the team to set you up with a fully customised lifestyle plan designed to hit your goals.

3 Months (13 Coaching Appointments) £600 One-off payment for 13 coaching appointments.

6 Months (26 Coaching Appointments) £1080 One-off payment for 26 coaching appointments.

12 Months (52 Coaching Appointments) £1800 One-off payment for 52 coaching appointments.

18 Months (78 Coaching Appointments) £2340 One-off payment for 78 coaching appointments.

*Coaching Packages need to be completed within 6 months after their stated term*