Location: Wales.
2017 Goals: My main goal for 2017 is to take on the Mille Pennines 1,000km Audax (time-limit 75 hours), a very hilly (13,600m of elevation!) cycling challenge in Lancashire, which starts on 7th July 2017. I will also aim to complete the hilliest possible Audax Super Randonneur Series (200km, 300km, 400km & 600km Audax rides) as preparation for this challenge.
Tim’s Training Programme:
Monday: Rest.
Tuesday: 1 hour Tabata (high intensity interval) training & core workout and also an hour ElliptiGO ride (generally up “The Tumble”, a local 500m climb).
Wednesday: Run with fell running club. 6-10 miles, with around 500m elavation gain (off road).
Thursday: 1-2hr ElliptiGO ride, then 1hr masters swim interval session at local leisure centre.
Friday: Tabata and core workout (1Hr) and another hilly 1-hour ElliptGO ride.
Saturday: Long ElliptiGO ride, perhaps an Audax cyclign event, or a 100-200km ride with lots of hill climbs.
Sunday: One hour ElliptiGO ride, usually up a long hill.
The schedule is very dependant on my work schedule for the week – and also on the weather. Because I am self-employed (and work varying hours) I often have the luxury of doing the long rides on the best weather days and can move things about in my training plan, to suit my work and family schedules. Also, any of the shorter rides (up to 2hrs – I cant hack any longer) might be done on my indoor elliptical machine (due to bad weather, darkness, or childcare duties).