Thomas Moench – 2017 Goals


Age: 33.

Location: Buckinghamshire.

I have been passionate about bikes all my life. What fascinates me is how fast and how far one can travel with them. I also love the sense of freedom riding a bike gives me. After having worked in the automotive industry for several years I decided to return to the industry I am most passionate about: Bicycles.

I have founded Biotic Bikes with the goal to revolutionise the way bike frames are constructed. We combine bamboo and carbon fibre to build bike frames to give the rider the best of both worlds: Comfort and Great Performance.

Riding the ElliptiGO is a new challenge and a welcome change in the weekly training routine.

Happy riding!

Thomas’ 2017 Goal: 200km Audax Challenge (and beyond) on the ElliptiGO!

2017 Results: Thomas successfully completed his 200km Audax ride on 7th May 2017 and he plans to attempt a validated 400km Audax ride with other Team Members in 2017…